Discount Code Usage Report

  • Updated

If you have Discount Codes set up in the system using the Promotions settings, then you are able to run a report to determine the utilization of each code.

The report dates are based on when the promo code was used.

The report shows Summary data:

  • Discount Code
  • How many times the code was used (Quantity)
  • Order Amount (the total booking cost with the discount) - if the code was used more than once, then the Order amount is the grand total of all the bookings that used the code.



If you select the arrows by the code, you can see more detailed data:

  • Order Code
  • Activity Date/Time
  • Order Amount by booking
  • User that made the booking (if blank than this is a Web booking)


To download the Summary or Detailed data, use the Type menu to select PDF, CSV, or Excel file and then choose Download.


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