Viewing Waivers on a Booking

  • Updated

When you have Smartwaiver integrated on the website, you can view each booking's waiver, and even download or print it from the booking.

When you open a booking through the system, you will see on the top right the Waiver Status.

Waivers Signed 


When a waiver has been signed, you can see the waiver and customer details from the Waivers section on the Order. 


Click View to see the waiver from Smartwaiver, and download the waiver if needed.



Waivers Missing


If a waiver has been unsigned, then you can email or text the customer from the Order in the Waivers section. Select Email/Text waiver(s) button.


Select the Waiver, and enter the customer's email or phone number to send.



Waivers can also be sent on the day of the booking from the Check In process. This is helpful to get a customer to sign the waiver on the spot when they arrive for their rental or activity.




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