Custom Payment Methods

  • Updated

The system allows you to add a additional payment options if, at times, you take payment from other sources such as an outside vendor or voucher.

To set up a custom payment type, go to Settings - Payments.

Select + Add Custom Payment Method


Custom Payment Methods are only seen as payment options through the admin (back office) order screen. They are not a choice for customers booking online.

In the Payment Method window, set up your new payment method.  Options include:

  • Name: this is the label that will identify the payment method on the order screen.
  • Valid For: select if this payment method is valid for Charges, Refunds, or both.  Uncheck options that are not valid.
  • Name Field: if you need to enter additional name information such as an Employee, add it here.  The field can be set to Optional or Required.  If not, set to Not Used.
    • Placeholder field is used to give instructions to the user
  • Account Field: as an option, can include a section for an account number.  Can be set to Optional, Required, or Not Used.

Select OK when settings have been added, and then Save.


When making a New Booking through the system, you will now have the Custom Option shown in the Payment section.  Select to add the information, and Save the booking.



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