You are able to add additional fees to your setup that will get charged each time a customer books, both online and back office. Additional fee are in addition to the rental price, and will show as a separate line item in the Booking (Order) Summary.
Examples of Additional Fees include:
- Dock Fees
- Cleaning Fees
- Administrative Fees
Note: Additional fees are not optional, and are charged for every booking. Optional Fees and Add-ons should be set up using Custom Fields.
To add an additional fee to a rental or activity:
- Go to Settings - Rentals - select the rental from the list (or Add Rental if you have not set up the rental yet)
- Go to the Price List tab
- In the Fees section, select Add Fee
- In the Add Fee window, select New Fee
- Enter the details about the Fee, e.g. Dock Fee
- Select the amount, either a percentage or a fixed amount
- Hit OK to close the Add Fee window
- Save the Price List tab
The new fee has been added, and now when a customer books online through the booking calendar OR if a user books through the back office, the fee will automatically add to the booking total.