Setting up a Private Tour

  • Updated

BookingCentral has two options for private tours:

  • Private Exclusive - this is a tour that only offers a private option.  There are no individual tickets sold.
  • Private Option - this tour offers both individual tickets and private groups.  If a tour is available, then a party can book it as a private option during checkout.

Private Exclusive

To set up a private exclusive tour, go to the Overview screen for the tour settings (Settings - Tickets - Add Tour/Activity).

In the Options section, check the Private option.


Private Option

To setup a private option, the Options on the Overview page of the tour settings will keep the Private selection unchecked.  This is because this option allows more than one booking per event OR a private option.


Pricing for Private Tours

To set up pricing for both Private Exclusive and Private Option, go to the Price List tab in the tour Settings.

You will add the price for the private tour in the Private Groups section.  

Private Exclusive Pricing

Private Tours are priced per tour, and not per person.

Select + Add Private Group Price

Add the maximum number for the group and the price.


With Private Group pricing, you can add variable pricing based on the number of people in the group (up to the maximum number).  To do so, use the Add Private Group Price button to create additional pricing options.



Private Option Pricing

For the Private Option, you will set up the private group pricing the same as the Private Exclusive, but you will also set up Individual Ticket pricing, too.  This will allow a customer to select either individual ticket or a private group during checkout.


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