To add the Pricing for your Tours, you can do so in the setup of your Tour on the Price List page. You have the following pricing options:
- Individual Tickets: per person price, based on category (Adults, Child)
- Volume Tickets: per person price based on a count of persons
- Group Pricing: flat tour fee based on number of persons
- Private Groups: flat tour fee based on number of persons. (this options will book the entire tour time, and not allow other bookings)
To get started, go to Settings - Tickets. Select your tour from the list (or select + Add Tour/Activity)
Select the Price List tab for tour pricing options.
Individual Tickets
The setup allows you to set individual pricing for person categories that you customize. You can create a generic “Persons” category, or get more specific if you have pricing that varies based on age or type such as Adults, Children or Seniors tickets.
To add additional categories, select + Add category. Name the category and enter the price (per person). Add additional categories as needed.
Note: if you pricing changes 'per season', then you can create your seasons under Settings - Hours, and then offer a different price per season.
Volume Pricing
You can also add Volume Pricing if you want to charge a lower rate for more participants. Select + Add Volume Price, and enter the number of persons where the price changes. Then enter the price in the field.
Group Pricing
If you offer Group Pricing, you can set that here, too. This is different than Volume Pricing as the price is for the entire group, and not per person. You can add multiple Group Pricing options if the amount changes based on the group size. Enter the number (max) for the group pricing to apply.
Private Groups
You can also add Private Tickets in this setup. If you want to be able to allow customers to select this as a Private tour for their group, then add the price in this section. If a customer books this option, then it will not allow any other persons or groups to book the same date/time.
Tax Rates
If Tax applies to your activity, you can create the tax rate here. In the Tax section, select Add Tax Rate. In the popup box, add the name for the tax, and percentage, then OK.