Uploading a List of Voucher Codes

  • Updated

If you have a list of Voucher Codes that you have acquired from your Groupon deal or similar, you can easily upload them into BookingCentral.  Vouchers are used as a form of payment in the system, and the system will be able to track utilization.

To upload a batch of voucher codes:

  • Go to Settings - Promotions and Vouchers - Vouchers.
  • Select + Batch Add to get started.
  • The Batch Add Vouchers window gives you the option to:
    • Manually enter vouchers code(s) - this is useful if you want to customize the code such as for a fundraiser or gift card option
    • Upload a file - if you have a list of codes, such a Groupon, then you can upload a file in .txt format.

Important! Uploaded or manually added codes must be one code per line.

If you've uploaded a file, then the system will validate the codes and ensure that the code has not been previously uploaded.


Once the codes are added, then you can enter the rules for the code to be valid.  You have the following options:

  • Batch Name: Give the codes a name to easily identify in the system
  • Value: Enter the Value (dollar amount) of the voucher (Remember - vouchers are considered a payment type).
  • Expiration Date (Optional): if the codes expire, enter the date of expiration.
  • Activity Dates (Optional): if customers must book between certain dates, include the dates here.
  • Product(s): select what products (rental, tour, activity) the codes can be used for.


After setup, Save your changes.  The codes will now display in the Vouchers section.


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