BookingCentral's admin calendar is the best place to see and manage your bookings. All bookings that are made through the platform will show on the calendar and include the important information about each booking.
As a User, you can choose to customize your calendar view that works best for you. See your options below:
If you offer Rentals with multiple resources (boats, campers, jet skis, ATVs, etc):
Choose the Resources Calendar view. This view will show clearly what bookings are assigned to what resource. This calendar view offers several actions and custom options including:
- Filter by Location - If you have multiple locations, select the Locations menu from the upper right to filter/view bookings by location.
- Choose your View - You can view the calendar as a Day, Week, or Month view. If you rent mostly same day rentals, the Day view is likely the best view. If you daily and multi-day options, then the Week or Month view is best. Select your view in the upper right.
Pro Tip: As a user, you can choose set your preferred view from your Profile. Choose the Profile icon in the upper right to pick your preferred view. This is the view you will see every time you go to the Calendar.
- Make a Booking - Select or highlight a date/time next to the available resource you want to book, and it will pop up the option to Book.
- Manually Block a Resource(s) - If you need to take a resource(s) out of inventory for a time period, this view will allow you to quickly block it so it can't be booked. Two ways to block:
- Use the lock icon in the upper right
- Select or highlight (with your mouse) a date/time on the calendar to block
- Customize the Booking Details: When viewing bookings on the calendar (both the resources and activity view for rentals only), you can customize the details you can see on the calendar including:
- Status: If you use Quotes or Pending Booking statuses, then you can enable the option to see these bookings on the calendar.
- Calendar Entry: what details of the booking shows on the calendar
- Pop Up Text: expanded booking details that can be seen from the calendar entry you hover over the entry.
Resources Calendar Day View Example:
If you offer Rentals that do not have multiple resources (individual boats, campers, ATVs):
You can choose to use the Activity Calendar view with most of the same options outlined above. The main difference between the two views are:
- The Activity calendar does not show the resources listed on the left column (as seen in the Resources view)
- To add a manual block, you will find that option on the Resources Calendar only.
You can go back and forth between views as needed, you choose! Or you can set your preferred view from your Profile.
Activity Calendar Month View Example for Rentals only: