The system allows you to setup a Reseller/Affiliate option in the system. Resellers are other people or businesses that can book your rentals or activities for you. This is a useful option when you have a partnerships with local businesses to book your activities such as a hotel or complementary business.
To get started, you'll first want to setup your Resellers in the system. Follow the steps below:
- Go to Settings - Administration - Resellers
- Select + Add Reseller
- Code: This is the unique code that the system recognizes for this reseller. The code is auto-generated and cannot be customized.
- URL: This is the unique URL that the reseller will use when making a booking for you. The URL includes the reseller code that the system uses to track bookings made by the reseller.
- Reseller Details:
- Name (required)
- Phone
- Website
- Deposit options include:
- Default - the reseller will take a payment from the customer based on the deposit rule set for the rental or activity.
- No payment required - the reseller will not take any form of payment when making the booking. Note: A PIN code (auto-generated and can be customized) is required to be entered to authorize the booking.
- Commission - enter the agreed upon commission percentage that the reseller will earn for each booking. If there is no commission, leave this field blank.
- Checkout (for default deposit only) - If checked the Reseller Name will show to the reseller or customer on the booking page when making the booking. If unchecked, the reseller name will not be seen during checkout (ideal for when the reseller code is linked to a website/booking code).
Why should you uncheck the Checkout option? You'll want to uncheck this option if a) you have resellers that book on behalf of customers or b) you use the reseller feature to track sales where the booking links are included in emails or other/multiple websites.
How the Reseller makes bookings:
Once the reseller has been created, a reseller can make bookings for you using a Unique URL. The URL in the Reseller settings can be sent to the reseller to use every time they book for you. The link can be saved/bookmarked to the reseller's device. The URL will include the seller code that was auto-generated when setting up the reseller and is important for tracking.
How to see what bookings were made by Resellers:
The system will automatically track bookings made by resellers. You can see the Reseller information in 3 ways:
1. On the Order. Orders will always identify how the booking was made. At the top of the order, you'll see details about when the order was created and by whom.
Tip! You can enable the ability to assign reseller on orders made through the system. These are for office orders that are inputted by an employee. Enable this feature through the Order Settings - Advanced tab.
2. On the Bookings Tab. Add the column, Agent, to the bookings tab to see who made the order. This will show Web, User or Reseller name.
3. On the Orders Report. Add the Agent column to the Orders report to capture who made the order. Similar to the Bookings tab, the Agent column will show who made the order: Web, User or Reseller name.